Friday, October 17, 2014

Star Wars First Blood

My love for the greatest saga ever told, has had a big impact on my life along with thousands if not millions of others. One of the bigger inspirations in my life when it came to me choosing what I want to do in life, and that's film and entertainment. My first memory of Star Wars was when I was four years old in 1992. With just me and my dad in the living room of our old row home in North Philadelphia, we watched "Star Wars: A New Hope" on VHS. This movie was the original version of the films, before they all got altered and re-released. I obviously didn't know this at the time or even later as a teen, but I was so glad that I was able to see Star Wars for what it truly was just like my father did when he was a kid in the theater back in '77 when it first came out. I may be young in age, but when it comes to Star Wars I have the same mentality as most fans of the original trilogy, meaning I love episodes 4, 5 and 6, and just hate what George Lucas did with the prequels. It had some moments and characters that I loved, but it wasn't what I and many other fans were expecting. There's one specific memory that i'll never forget, and it happens to be my very first memory of all the movies I've watched in my 26 years, and it's the moment in "A New Hope" when they're trying to escape on the Millennium Falcon, and the view looking out of the cockpit as the ship goes into Light Speed and the stars stretch and move toward you looking at the screen. That was always cool to me, especially as a kid and it was and will always be my first memory of any movie. In closing with this, the reason I'm writing first blood, is obviously I'm very excited about episode 7 coming out next December, and I've been doing a lot of reading, watching, and talking about star wars and one of the more frequent questions I found myself asking and answering was, when was the first time I saw it, who's my favorite character and the list goes on. So adding to why I wrote this, I'm hoping and wishing that the new Star Wars movies coming out in the near future are what they were when I was a kid, I want that feeling of wonder and excitement again in the theater, and to see the crew in the Falcon, jumping into light speed to escape the bad guys. I know its not gonna be a remake or best of, kind of film and that JJ Abrams is going to make the movie we've all been waiting for and so far, it seems to be in good hands. Are you excited about the new Star Wars films coming out, and what is your first blood?

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